Curandero Hispanic Ethno-Psychotherapy & Curanderismo: Treating Hispanic Mental Health in the 21St Century di Antonio Noé Zavaleta Ph. D. edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Curandero Hispanic Ethno-Psychotherapy & Curanderismo: Treating Hispanic Mental Health in the 21St Century

Treating Hispanic Mental Health In The 21st Century







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Descrizione Curandero Hispanic Ethno-Psychotherapy & Curanderismo: Treating Hispanic Mental Health in the 21St Century

Curandero: Ethno-Psychotherapy & Curanderismo Hispanic Mental Health in the 21st Century, is the product of more than 50 years of the study of curanderismo and Hispanic mental health. In this book, Dr. Zavaleta examines curanderismo and the folk beliefs carried by immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico border. In the United States, the Hispanic population is notoriously underserved in both physical and mental health care. In Curandero, Dr. Zavaleta reviews the history of curanderismo, beginning with pre-Columbian populations, and traces the development of curanderismo over the past 500 years. He also examines the history and practice of psychiatry and the emergence of ethno-psychotherapy as well as psychiatry's historic failure to incorporate culture in the treatment of the mental health of Hispanic populations. Dr. Zavaleta seeks to introduce curanderismo to psychiatry with the intention of incorporating its important aspects in the treatment of Hispanic mental health.

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