Culturally Responsive Instructional Supervision: A Handbook for Equitable Instructional Leadership di Ian M. Mette, Dwayne Ray Cormier, Yanira Oliveras-Oriz edito da ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD
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Culturally Responsive Instructional Supervision: A Handbook for Equitable Instructional Leadership

A Handbook For Equitable Instructional Leadership





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Making A Difference aims to equip educators with a framework for providing instructional leadership that ensures culturally responsive instruction. Changing what is taught, how it is taught, and who it is intended for is one of the most effective ways of contributing to a more progressive, equitable, and inclusive society. This requires instructional leaders to mitigate harmful educational practices from prepackaged curricula and teacher evaluation systems. Through specific structures, schools can support teachers to become culturally responsive instructors through formative feedback structures that can transform schools from systems of oppression into systems of opportunity.

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