Cultural Sociology di Les Etc Back, Andy Bennett, Laura Desfor Edles edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Cultural Sociology

An Introduction





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Descrizione Cultural Sociology

Cultural Sociology: An Introduction is the first dedicated student textbook to address cultural sociology as a legitimate model for sociological thinking and research. Highly renowned authors present a rich overview of major sociological themes and the various empirical applications of cultural sociology. * A timely introductory overview to this increasingly significant field which provides invaluable summaries of key studies and approaches within cultural sociology * Clearly written and designed, with accessible summaries of thematic topics, covering race, class, politics, religion, media, fashion, and music * International experts contribute chapters in their field of research, including a chapter by David Chaney, a founder of cultural sociology * Offers a unified set of theoretical and methodological tools for those wishing to apply a cultural sociological approach in their work

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