Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German-Speaking World Since 1500 edito da Lang, Peter
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Cultural Memory and Historical Consciousness in the German-Speaking World Since 1500

Papers From The Conference The Fragile Tradition, Cambridge 2002


Lang, Peter





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This is the first of three volumes based on papers given at the conference 'The Fragile Tradition: The German Cultural Imagination Since 1500' in Cambridge, 2002. Together they provide a conspectus of current research on the cultural, historical and literary imagination of the German-speaking world across the whole of the modern period. This volume highlights the ways in which cultural memory and historical consciousness have been shaped by experiences of discontinuity, focusing particularly on the reception of the Reformation, the literary and ideological heritage of the Enlightenment, and the representation of war, the Holocaust, and the reunification of Germany in contemporary literature and museum culture.

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