Cuentos En Verso Para Niños Perversos / Revolting Rhymes: Coleccion Dahl di Roald Dahl edito da ALFAGUARA INFANTIL
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Cuentos En Verso Para Niños Perversos / Revolting Rhymes: Coleccion Dahl





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Descrizione Cuentos En Verso Para Niños Perversos / Revolting Rhymes: Coleccion Dahl

Si eres de los que ya no se toman en serio los cuentos de hadas, este libro es para ti. Aquí verás que Ricitos de Oro no es tan tierna, Cenicienta no es tan dulce y el Lobo de Caperucita no es para nada malo. Todo sucede aquí con gran humor negro y al lado de las hilarantes ilustraciones de Quentin Blake.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONDid you think Cinderella married the prince and lived happily ever after, or that the three little pigs outsmarted the wolf? If you no longer believe in perfect endings then this book is for you! With his famous wicked humor and the cunning of a big bad wolf, master storyteller and satirist Roald Dahl retells his six favorite fairy tales, complete with rambunctious rhymes, hilarious surprise endings, and hysterical illustrations by Quentin Blake. Get ready for Dahl s diabolical version of what really happened to Cinderella, Goldilocks, the Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk, Snow White, and Little Red Riding Hood.

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