The Crystalline States of Organic Compounds, Volume 22 di Angelo Gavezzotti edito da ELSEVIER
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The Crystalline States of Organic Compounds, Volume 22







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Descrizione The Crystalline States of Organic Compounds, Volume 22

The Crystalline States of Organic Compounds is a broad survey of the techniques by which molecular crystals are investigated, modeled, and applied, starting with the fundamentals of intra- and intermolecular bonding supplemented by a concise tutorial on present-day diffraction methods, then proceeding to an examination of crystallographic databases with their statistics and of such fundamental and fast-growing topics as intermolecular potentials, polymorphism, co-crystallization, and crystal structure prediction by computer. A substantial part of the book is devoted to the techniques of choice in modern simulation, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics, with their most recent developments and application to formed crystals and to the concomitant phases involved in nucleation and growth. Drawing on the decades-long experience of its author in teaching and research in the field of organic solid state, The Crystalline States of Organic Compounds is an indispensable source of key insights and future directions for students and researchers at any level, in academia and in industry.

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