The Crystal Mirror and The Mystery of the Ring of Fire di Niel Robertson edito da iUniverse
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The Crystal Mirror and The Mystery of the Ring of Fire

A Renton Brack Detective Story







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Descrizione The Crystal Mirror and The Mystery of the Ring of Fire

This collection of two short stories represents the best of the childhood imagination. Written when he was only nine years old, The Crystal Mirror and The Mystery of the Ring of Fire are wonderful tales of adventure and discovery. While youthful in their very nature, both remind us of the pleasure of storytelling. The Crystal Mirror chronicles the adventures of young Dunlew as he seeks to help his father and destroy the dreaded Crystal Mirror. The writer Lloyd Alexander, whose novels, The Chronicles of Prydain, inspired Robertson's own story, has high praise for this work. "It's an exciting, excellent work, really in every way--the characters, the plot, and the language, all splendid. I thoroughly enjoyed reading a writer I can appreciate the great amount of work involved." The second story in the collection, The Mystery of the Ring of Fire, captures one event in the illustrious career of Renton Brack, a world class detective. Renton and his partner must discover who stole the jewel bound vase. The answer is sure to surprise everyone! These stories are perfect for inspiring young writers and the young at heart to continue creating stories for all to enjoy.

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