Crust & Spray: Gross Stuff in Your Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat di C. S. Larsen edito da Millbrook Press

Crust & Spray: Gross Stuff in Your Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat

Slack Michael




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Descrizione Crust & Spray: Gross Stuff in Your Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat

From snot and phlegm to earwax and eye gunk, theres some pretty gross stuff in that body of yours! But why do you have all that sticky slime inside you? And why does it build up sometimes and make you feel so rotten? Learn all about the nasty stuff in your eyes, ears, nose, and throatand find out how it can actually help you by flushing germs out of your body and keeping you in good health. With close-up pictures and lots of disgusting facts, this book tells all about the gross science behind your bodys functions.

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€ 27.20

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