The Cruelest Con di Kelly Kiser-Mostrom edito da iUniverse
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The Cruelest Con

The Guide For A S.a.f.e. Adoption Journey







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Descrizione The Cruelest Con

The Cruelest Con "is a unique book in many ways: it is deeply personal, emotionally powerful, and contains important lessons for everyone in the adoption community. We all should read it and learn from it - so that adoption can truly be the rewarding, ethical process that it should be."--Adam Pertman, author of Adoption Nation and executive director of the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute. For nearly three years, author Kelly Kiser-Mostrom endured the nightmare of an adoption scam. Through her heart-wrenching personal journey in The Cruelest Con, Kiser-Mostrom focuses on the changing and often frightening world of adoption. She exposes the treachery behind adoption facilitator Sonya Furlow who exploited and defrauded forty-four adoptive parents of over $215,000, shattering their most basic dream in life--to have a family. Kiser-Mostrom points out the chilling truth about adoption laws in the United States. Facilitators are unregulated, and laws vary from state to state, leaving the adoption world wide open for many kinds of criminal activities and baby buying. Through Kiser-Mostrom's personal testament, you'll be able to form a foundation for a positive adoption journey. Kiser-Mostrom focuses on these key points: · Detect red flags when dealing with an intermediary · Learn how to cope with grief as a victim of adoption fraud · Learn how and when to report suspected fraud · Follow guidelines to obtain an adoption professional · Find adoption resources · Gain a new perspective on the positives and negatives of adoption Don't let fraud and deception destroy your adoption dreams. Let The Cruelest Con guide you through the adoption process.

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