Critical Realism and Spirituality edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Critical Realism and Spirituality

Theism, Atheism, and Meta-reality





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Descrizione Critical Realism and Spirituality

Critical Realism and Spirituality contextualizes, delineates, explores and critiques the turn to spirituality and religion in critical realism, which has been under way since the mid-1990s, as well as telling its story. A range of distinguished critical realists, theological critical realists and scholars working with related approaches bring their talents to bear on this task. While their personal beliefs span the whole spectrum from theism to atheism, they are united by the desire to open up a space for dialogue of one kind or another (intra-faith, inter-faith and/or extra-faith), promoting mutual understanding, respect and the unity and capability for collective emancipatory action on a global scale that humanity is so sorely in need of. This book is therefore, essential reading for students and academics alike in Religous Studies, Theology and Philosophy.

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