Critical Care of the Pediatric Immunocompromised Hematology/Oncology Patient edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Critical Care of the Pediatric Immunocompromised Hematology/Oncology Patient

An Evidence-Based Guide





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Descrizione Critical Care of the Pediatric Immunocompromised Hematology/Oncology Patient

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of critical care of the pediatric immunocompromised hematology-oncology patient. The text focuses on unique aspects of the pediatric immunocompromised patient that predisposes the child to significant illness, and presents critical care management strategies specific to the patient population. In addition to chapters on oncology, primary immune deficiency, immunocompromised hematology, and hematopoietic cell transplant patients, the book covers the changing landscape of ICU care, pharmacologic considerations, and psychological and social aspects of the critical care of hematology-oncology patients. Written by experts from a range of disciplines, Critical Care of the Pediatric Immunocompromised Hematology/Oncology Patient: An Evidence-Based Guide is a valuable resource for clinicians and practitioners who treat this patient population.

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