Criminology: The Key Concepts di Martin O'Brien, Professor Majid Yar edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Criminology: The Key Concepts

The Key Concepts





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Descrizione Criminology: The Key Concepts

Criminology: The Key Concepts is an authoritative and comprehensive study guide and reference resource that will take you through all the concepts, approaches, issues and institutions central to the study of crime in contemporary society. Topics covered in this easy to use A-Z guide include: policing, sentencing and the justice system types of crime, including corporate crime, cybercrime, sex and hate crimes feminist, marxist and cultural approaches to criminology terrorism, state crime, war crimes and human rights social issues such as anti-social behaviour, domestic violence and pornography criminal psychology and deviance Fully cross-referenced, with extensive suggestions for further reading and in-depth study of the topics discussed, this is an essential reference guide for students of Criminology at all levels.

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