Crime and Punishment di Fyodor Dostoevsky edito da Qurate Books Private Limited
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Crime and Punishment





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Descrizione Crime and Punishment

Step into the dark and brooding world of "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, a literary masterpiece that delves deep into the complexities of the human psyche. Set against the backdrop of St. Petersburg in 19th-century Russia, this gripping tale explores the harrowing journey of Raskolnikov, a destitute student driven to commit a heinous crime. In this intense psychological thriller, Dostoevsky takes us on a haunting exploration of guilt, morality, and the pursuit of redemption. As Raskolnikov grapples with the consequences of his actions, the novel delves into the depths of his tormented conscience, revealing the profound internal struggle between his own rationalization and the weight of his guilt. Dostoevsky's vivid prose and masterful storytelling unravel a gripping narrative that probes the darkest corners of the human condition. Through richly drawn characters and complex moral dilemmas, "Crime and Punishment" challenges our notions of justice, punishment, and the inherent contradictions of human nature. A timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today, "Crime and Punishment" stands as a testament to Dostoevsky's genius in capturing the complexities of the human soul. Prepare to be enthralled, disturbed, and ultimately moved as you journey through this profound exploration of crime, punishment, and the transformative power of redemption.

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