Credit Risk Management and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks di Dunia Mastaki Jean edito da LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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Credit Risk Management and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks





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Descrizione Credit Risk Management and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks

The general objective of this study was to assess the impact of credit risk management on the financial performance of commercial banks in DR Congo from 2010 to 2020. This study had four specific objectives which are to assess the relationship between the CAR and the performance of commercial banks in DR Congo, to assess relationship between the NPL and the performance of commercial banks in DR Congo, To assess relationship between the credit on deposit ratio and the performance of commercial banks in DR Congo and to evaluate the relationship between the size of the bank and the performance of commercial banks in DR Congo. After analysis made by SPSS; we found out a negative relationship between the NPL and both the ROA and ROE as the table 4 and showed, the both table showed also the negative impact of CAR on ROA and ROE. However the finding indicated the positive impact of credit on deposit ratio over the financial performance of commercial banks.

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