Crawlspace di Meg Vann edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Descrizione Crawlspace

A young girl trapped by generational trauma and an unexpected pregnancy struggles to realise her dreams in the final volume of Mag Vann's InSecurity Triptych. In 1987, baby Marlene witnesses her father mutilated in a Port Moresby compound invasion, giving rise to a deep psychological scar and a powerful family secret. In 2012, Marlene finds her perfect match in awkward hacker Andy, an American running from his past and desperate for a visa. Their relationship survives on necessity and petty scams, but visa troubles and an unplanned pregnancy threaten their budding engagement. With Marlene's family watching and struggling to support their daughter, Andy suggests a daring con that could set them up for life. Marlene will sell others out to achieve her dream, but she's about to learn everyone has secrets and Andy's are darker than most. Could achieving her dream life come with a price tag even Marlene is unwilling to pay? For fans of Claire Mackintosh, CL Taylor, and Gillian Flynn, Crawlspace is the third book in the InSecurity Triptych - fast-paced and provocative psychological thrillers you can read in a single sitting.

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