Cracking an American Conspiracy: Richard Nixon's Fall and the Americans Who Saved the Constitution di P. O. Pearson edito da SIMON & SCHUSTER BOOKS YOU
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Cracking an American Conspiracy: Richard Nixon's Fall and the Americans Who Saved the Constitution





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Descrizione Cracking an American Conspiracy: Richard Nixon's Fall and the Americans Who Saved the Constitution

The story of President Richard Nixon and those who fought against him comes to life in this insightful and accessible nonfiction middle grade book from the author of Fly Girls and Fighting for the Forest.The Watergate scandal created one of the greatest constitutional crises in American history. When the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon and the Supreme Court ruled that he had to turn over to Congress the tapes that proved the claims against him, he realized his support in the Senate had collapsed. He resigned rather than face almost certain conviction on abuse of power and obstruction of justice. We know the villain’s story well, but what about the heroes? When the country’s own leader turned his back on the Constitution, who was there to defend it? Conspiracy is about the reporters, prosecutors, judges, justices, members of Congress, and members of the public who supported and defended the Constitution when it needed it most.

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