The cow in health and disease di George Conn edito da Vero Verlag
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The cow in health and disease


Vero Verlag





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Descrizione The cow in health and disease

\"From the author\'s experience as a practicing veterinarian in the rural districts and from the reception of his articles pertaining to the cow by the readers of the largest and most influential dairy and farm papers in the United States he was convinced that there was a great need for a book dealing with the proper care of the cow in health and in sickness. The aim of the author in preparing this volume was purely an educational one and it is hoped that none of its readers will be led to believe that he desires to impress upon them the fact that they can successfully and profitably prescribe for their cows during sickness, but rather that realizing the nature of those conditions that commonly affect their cows that they will whenever possible secure professional aid. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and truly the cheapest thing that you can purchase when you have a valuable cow sick, is the advice of a reputable veterinarian.\" This book is a reprint of the original published in 1918.

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