The Covington Mansion di Christopher Watkins edito da Page Publishing, Inc
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The Covington Mansion





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Descrizione The Covington Mansion

Kagan Parsons lives with his husband, Cody, and their fledgling family at the Covington Mansion, an ancient historical residence in downtown Tulsa. Matthew Collins, a noble, gifted clairvoyant, gets far more than he bargained for when he accepts a new position as a live-in assistant to Kagan Parsons, heir to the Parsons Oil fortune. During his stay at the Covington Mansion, Matthew mediates communication between the past and the present, the living and the dead, and the multitude of enigmatic people populating the Parsons dynasty, namely Kagan and his father, JD Parsons, who are constantly at odds with each other. But Matthew becomes rapidly and increasingly entranced as he learns the dark history of the Covington Mansion, consisting of homicide, freak accidents, and restless, embittered spirits. He also becomes privy to the infamous mysteries and unspeakable scandals within the Parsons family. And the further he explores, the more he tempts his own fate.

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