COVID-19 in Zimbabwe edito da Springer International Publishing
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COVID-19 in Zimbabwe

Trends, Dynamics and Implications in the Agricultural, Environmental and Water Sectors





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Descrizione COVID-19 in Zimbabwe

This contributed volume, based on papers presented at a conference held in Zimbabwe in mid-2021, interrogates solutions to COVID-19-related problems and issues across agricultural, environmental and water sectors in Zimbabwe and assesses their scientific, economic and practical validity. Across 19 chapters, this volume unpacks the science, economics and politics of the pandemic with a focus on understanding its secondary and tertiary impact on Zimbabwe¿s population. The volume is also dedicated to understanding the practical and policy-oriented approaches in tackling the pandemic and confronting the ¿new normal¿ of COVID-19. It brings together researchers, development practitioners and policy makers from various disciplines in an endeavour to understand COVID-19 trends and analyse the scientific options for mitigation, containment, innovation and ultimately pre-empt the possible emergence and impacts of other pandemics in the future

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