Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 di State Department U. S. State Department, U. S. State Department edito da COSIMO CLASSICS
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Country Reports on Terrorism 2008





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Descrizione Country Reports on Terrorism 2008

Al-Qa'ida lost ground in 2008 but remains the greatest terrorist threat to the United States and its allies. Nations such as Iran continue to undermine international efforts to reduce terrorism. Defeating modern terrorism requires a holistic approach that encompasses political, cultural, and economic factors.These are just some of the conclusions drawn in Country Reports on Terrorism 2008, the most recent of the annual reports the U.S. State Department is required by law to provide to Congress. Dated April 2009, this full and complete annual report on terrorism around the world looks at the situation on the ground in regions from Albania to Zimbabwe, explores the impact of state sponsors of terrorism (Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria), discusses the global challenge of WMD terrorism, and examines terrorist safe havens and terrorist organizations from Abu Nidal to the United Self-Defense Forces of Columbia.This is a vital background briefing for anyone concerned about the geopolitical state of the planet and the asymmetrical dangers the United States faces in the early 21st century.

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