Corson Francis Veber di CORSON KEITH edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Corson Francis Veber





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Descrizione Corson Francis Veber

Few directors have played such a prominent role as Francis Veber in shaping the cinematic identity of France over the past forty years, yet in many ways his chosen genre of comedy has relegated his work to the margins of Film Studies. Using an auterist lens to challenge the notions of taste, genre and aesthetics that are commonly used to form the cinematic canon, this book explores the twelve films Veber directed between 1976 and 2008. These include Le Jouet (1976), Les fugitifs (1986) and L'emmerdeur (2008). Considering also Veber's extensive work as a playwright, theatre director and screenwriter - as well as the numerous remakes and adaptations of his films in Hollywood - author Keith Corson focuses on issues of class, labour and politics to examine the ways in which Veber embeds serious social critiques in his mainstream films. Keith Corson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Film, Theatre and Creative Writing at the University of Central Arkansas.

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