Cooperatives as a Determinant of SMEs Performance and Job Creation di Victoria Ayoola Ademilua edito da Scholars' Press
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Cooperatives as a Determinant of SMEs Performance and Job Creation

A Case Study of South West Nigeria





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Descrizione Cooperatives as a Determinant of SMEs Performance and Job Creation

The study assess Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Performance and Job Creation ability to the potency of Cooperative Societies Networking Activities mediating these relationships with Entrepreneurial orientation in South West, Nigeria. It conducts empirical investigation with focus on cooperative societies networking using entrepreneurship orientation as a mediator.The study observes that entrepreneurial orientation critical to performance constituents of SMEs especially, when the SME owners are members of cooperative society. It also shows direct relationship between cooperative networking and SME performance. The study is significance because it the need to maximize the impact of cooperatives through SMEs towards enhanced development.

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