Controversy and Dispute Around Research Design and Research Methodology di Carlos David Laura Quispe, Luis Alberto Almanza Ope edito da Our Knowledge Publishing
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Controversy and Dispute Around Research Design and Research Methodology

Conflicts, Controversies and Disagreements in the Scientific Research Process





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We have often heard and participated in discussions on whether hypotheses should be considered in all research or whether the concepts of methodology and method tend to be equated. Without pretending to be exhaustive, the reflections that can be made on whether hypotheses should be raised in all research; the reflections that can be made on the meaning of methodology, methods and techniques, and the relationships and confusions that arise in these debates, take on great importance in current research contexts, whatever their topics of interest; especially because in practice there is some resistance to reflect on these concepts, since it does not seem so relevant for the development of a research. These issues are confusing because, by not going deeper into the analysis of these discussions, the propensity to fall into reductionism increases, leading to errors in the approach of concise explanations, related to the way in which we approach the construction of scientific knowledge from the research processes.

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