Contributary Factors of Risky Sexual Practice di Tegegne Chekol Malede edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Contributary Factors of Risky Sexual Practice





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Descrizione Contributary Factors of Risky Sexual Practice

The prime objective of this book is to identify contributing factors of risky sexual practice among high school adolescents of Bahir Dar city.To this end,the study used a quantitative, cross-sectional design. A per-tested, self-administered questionnaire was employed to collect a primary data from 478 high school adolescents. The data were coded, entered, cleaned, and analyzed in the form of descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. The following factors found to be contributory factors of risky sexual practice with a specific contribution of: living arrangement(15.64%),pocket money(18.06%), substance abuse(30.43%), peer pressure(32.38%), educational status of head of the household(16.24%), family-adolescent discussion on sexual affairs (21.87%),and viewing of pornographic films(35.50%). Therefore, this study recommended interventions targeting on substance abuse, peer influence,watching erotic films as well as incorporating health education in the curriculum of schools.

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