Contemporary Living: Individual License di Verdene Ryder edito da Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher

Contemporary Living: Individual License





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Descrizione Contemporary Living: Individual License

With this new edition, Contemporary Living will continue to be a leading text and popular choice by teachers. This text provides an objective, sensitive presentation of contemporary issues facing today's students. Students will study their development as individuals and family members and learn to identify the attitudes, values, standards, and goals that will influence their decision making. Many new topics have been added to update text content, along with 125 new illustrations.
-- New topics include using the management process; making a career plan; teamwork skills; and strategies for job success.
-- More information is provided on lifespan development, including young adulthood, as well as child guidance techniques.
-- Technology applications have been added throughout, such as using the Internet to find jobs and shopping online.
-- A new end-of-chapter feature called "To Think About" involves topics, questions, and activities requiring critical thinking.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 82.50

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