Contemporary Issues In The Kenyan Family Law System di Elizabeth Wanyanga edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Contemporary Issues In The Kenyan Family Law System

Parental rights in surrogacy agreements and the divorce process





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This book focuses on Kenyan Family law.It is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the unique features of surrogacy as an optional form of fertility treatment and the right to certainty of parentage, since this parentage involves more than one set of parents. This part discusses the challenges Kenyan couples seeking surrogacy as fertility treatment are facing, and the steps Kenya has taken to regulate surrogacy as an emerging form of optional fertility treatment. The second part of this book discusses the concept of divorce under the Kenyan jurisprudence, the challenges and hurdles experienced by couples seeking divorce in Kenya under the Marriage Act of 2014, a comprehensive law which consolidates religious,civil,customary marriage and divorce.

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