Consonanze. Dizionario di acustica, psicoacustica e accordatura di strumenti a tastiera di Alessandra Padula edito da GRIN Verlag
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Consonanze. Dizionario di acustica, psicoacustica e accordatura di strumenti a tastiera


GRIN Verlag





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Descrizione Consonanze. Dizionario di acustica, psicoacustica e accordatura di strumenti a tastiera

Document from the year 2008 in the subject Musicology - Miscellaneous, grade: keine, , language: Italian, abstract: In a musical performance, the performer can control some elements, such as - the selection of appropriated execution variables, which he chooses according to valid historical, stylistic, interpretive principles - the selection of a suitable tuning for the repertoire which he aims to perform. On the contrary, he can¿t completely control other elements, such as - the acoustic characteristics of the concert hall - its furniture, which can be phonoabsorbing or phonoreflecting - the audience, and for each spectator, age, hearing characteristics and habits, personal taste. Yet the interpreter can have an influence even on these elements, for instance choosing, in his performance, execution tempo, dynamics, caesuras, pedalization. For these reasons, an interpreter shall know how the choice of a tuning is linked with the coeval principles of music aesthetics and organology, and with acoustics and psychoacoustics themes. This book concerns core questions about acoustics, psychoacoustics and tunig of keyboard instruments.

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