Consciousness Is All di Peter Francis Dziuban edito da Peter Francis Dziuban
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Consciousness Is All

The Magnificent Truth of What You Are





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"Words cannot express the gratitude I'm experiencing as a result of this book. For years I've been searching for the experience of 'God,' without knowing what I'm looking for. I have read countless books and explored several 'systems.' Never before have I felt I understood Oneness nor Consciousness. The moment I read Chapter One, there was a 'shift,' and a feeling of joy and expansion of the 'heart.' With each chapter, both the understanding and experience have grown. As I write this, I'm experiencing incredible peace and joy-and not finding words to express adequately to you the deep thanks for getting this published! I want to buy several copies for friends who have been searching 'fruitlessly' as have I." C.R., Florida "If you want to know what is true about you, about Life, this is the most important book you will ever read. It hits the mark in its thoroughly supported explanations of why Consciousness really is all there is. This is not a self-help book, or a book of 'how to.' It is a book of 'What Is'." J.Z. New Hampshire

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