Connecting UDL to the legal framework to achieve di Hamanyanga Miyoba edito da LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Connecting UDL to the legal framework to achieve

Education for all in Zambia





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Descrizione Connecting UDL to the legal framework to achieve

The purpose of this book was to examine how regulation law and policy can enable effective use of universal designs to equalize access to higher education by persons with disabilities in Zambia. This was done by answering the main research question: how can regulation law and policy enable effective use of universal designs to equalize access to higher education by persons with disabilities in Zambia? The research method was desk research, focused on the examining how regulation law and policy can enable effective use of universal designs to equalise access to higher education by persons with disabilities in Zambia. Literature was gathered from Google Scholar, jstor, the ahead website, the Zambian parliament website and the James Hardiman library, NUIG. A basic strategy to conduct the search for literature was used. Further search through different catalogues to find relevant literature was conducted. In Zambia, findings indicate the existence and practice of inclusive education since the late 1990s. Findings further indicate the creation of the policy on education with policy directions in form of guidelines on the education for all.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 34.71

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