The Concept of Entelekheia in Aristotle di F. Gözde Çakir edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Concept of Entelekheia in Aristotle





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Descrizione The Concept of Entelekheia in Aristotle

Aristotle, in most of his texts, emphasizes the ambiguity of being. ¿Being is meant more than one way¿ implies that there are modes of being. The modes of being also manifests the how of a being clearly. When as a being human being and its be-ing are taken into consideration, this how that is stressed, might be associated with the question of ¿what is related to entelekheia of human being?¿ [...]entelekheia of human being is associated with (a) the definition of happiness (b) intellect that presents what-be-ing of human being. Aristotle, in The Nicomachean Ethics, defines happiness as ¿an activity in accordance with complete virtue¿ (1102a 5-6). In this definition of happiness, concepts that are situated in it, are investigated one by one. In other words it is focused on the concepts which are ¿soul¿, ¿virtue¿, ¿complete virtue¿ and ¿activity¿. Besides, within the context of the completeness of human being in respect to happiness, which activity is in accordance with virtue is also clarified. Therefore, concept of intellect and its activity are investigated elaborately.

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