Computer Vision and Image Processing in Intelligent Systems and Multimedia Technologies di Sarfraz edito da Information Science Reference
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Computer Vision and Image Processing in Intelligent Systems and Multimedia Technologies





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Descrizione Computer Vision and Image Processing in Intelligent Systems and Multimedia Technologies

The fields of computer vision and image processing are constantly evolving as new research and applications in these areas emerge. Staying abreast of the most up-to-date developments in this field is necessary in order to promote further research and apply these developments in real-world settings. Computer Vision and Image Processing in Intelligent Systems and Multimedia Technologies features timely and informative research on the design and development of computer vision and image processing applications in intelligent agents as well as in multimedia technologies. Covering a diverse set of research in these areas, this publication is ideally designed for use by academicians, technology professionals, students, and researchers interested in uncovering the latest innovations in the field.

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