Computational Methods for Astrophysical Fluid Flow di E. A. Dorfi, Randall J. Leveque, Dimitri Mihalas, Ewald Müller edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Computational Methods for Astrophysical Fluid Flow

Saas-fee Advanced Course 27. Lecture Notes 1997 Swiss Society For Astrophysics And Astronomy





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This book leads directly to the most modern numerical techniques for compressible fluid flow, with special consideration given to astrophysical applications. Emphasis is put on high-resolution shock-capturing finite-volume schemes based on Riemann solvers. The applications of such schemes, in particular the PPM method, are given and include large-scale simulations of supernova explosions by core collapse and thermonuclear burning and astrophysical jets. Parts two and three treat radiation hydrodynamics. The power of adaptive (moving) grids is demonstrated with a number of stellar-physical simulations showing very crispy shock-front structures.

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