COMPLIVING di Marybeth Sniadowski-Cole edito da Covenant Books
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Program plan and modular workbook guide to complete living





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Descrizione COMPLIVING

Compliving is a compelling compressed seven principal programs of complete living which complements any lifestyle. It brings together the seven necessary functions of the human experience in this adventure called life. This program is not another textbook. I am not here to lecture or scold. You opened this book because you are looking for change. You are looking to feel better. You are looking be the healthiest person you can be. Do I expect everyone to agree with my program? Of course not. But what I am hoping is that by you working the program you will find a better insight in to mapping out a long, happy, healthy journey. This workbook is designed to help you ask the questions and reach out for the resources you may need as you identify those principal parts in your life that may be out of balance. If balance is achieved, so can a healthy state of being. That is why I choose the workbook form. This is about you actively participating in your health and your life.

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