Complete Heyting Algebra edito da Alphascript Publishing

Complete Heyting Algebra





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Descrizione Complete Heyting Algebra

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In mathematics, especially in order theory, a complete Heyting algebra is a Heyting algebra which is complete as a lattice. Complete Heyting algebras are the objects of three different categories; the category CHey, the category Loc of locales, and its opposite, the category Frm of frames. Although these three categories contain the same objects, they differ in their morphisms, and thus get distinct names. Only the morphisms of CHey are homomorphisms of complete Heyting algebras. Locales and frames form the foundation of pointless topology, which, instead of building on point-set topology, recasts the ideas of general topology in categorical terms, as statements on frames and locales. The system of all open sets of a given topological space ordered by inclusion is a complete Heyting algebra.

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€ 34.30

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