The Complete Golfer di Harry Vardon edito da Cosimo Classics
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The Complete Golfer





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Descrizione The Complete Golfer

The Tiger Woods of his day, legendary professional golfer HARRY VARDON (1870-1937), from Jersey in the Channel Islands, was the sport's first superstar. He won six British Open championships-a record that stands to this day-and was the first British golfer to win the U.S. Open. Some consider him the best player in the history of the game. In this classic work of sports literature, Vardon offers his stupendous and invaluable insight into the game. Part biographical, part instructional, part inspirational, Vardon's advice covers: ¿ the makings of a player ¿ the mistakes of the beginner ¿ the choice and care of clubs ¿ "concerning caddies" ¿ the pleasure of a good drive ¿ individuality in putting ¿ the proper attitude toward your opponents ¿ "golf for ladies" ¿ tips for the left-handed player ¿ and much more. First published in 1904, this beautiful replica edition features all of the essential original diagrams and photographs. It will delight and encourage the modern golfer, no matter how seriously-or lightheartedly-one takes the game.

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