Comparision of Agricultural Development at different time stages di Subhash Thote, Prabhaanjan Deshmukh, Umakant Dangore edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Comparision of Agricultural Development at different time stages

Composite index approach





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Descrizione Comparision of Agricultural Development at different time stages

The main objective of present investigation was to study the ¿Agricultural development of Vidarbha region¿ of Maharashtra State,India. The study was based on concept of composite index of development. Objectives of study were: Agricultural development based on crops and non-crop indicators, interim classification of districts with respect to their agricultural development and identify model districts.An integrated agricultural development (based on Crop + Non-Crop indicators) of Vidarbha region was significantly increased during pre-globalization period, but, it significantly decreased in globalization period and dormant over 40 years period. It reveals that the globalization has obstructed agricultural development.Vidarbha region came under the category of ¿Moderately developed¿ up to sixth time stage and thereafter, it dropped to ¿Under developed¿ position at seventh time stage. It maintained ¿Under developed¿ class at eight time stage. On the basis of value of composite indices, Bhandara district was the model district as compare to other districts at time stage 2009-10 in Nagpur division and Amravati district was the model district (at time stage 2009-10) in Amravati division

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