A Comparative Study di Nyakwara Begi edito da VDM Verlag Dr. Müller e.K.
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A Comparative Study

Of Pre- School and Lower Primary School Teachers' Computer Technology Usage in Teaching in Nairobi Province, Kenya





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Descrizione A Comparative Study

The purpose of writing this book is to reach all stakeholders who work with children. It is imperative for researchers, tutors, lecturers, teachers, parents, school managers, and curriculum developers to gain a profound understanding of computers as instructional tools. The world is now a global village where winners and losers in different areas for example in education and business would be determined by the appropriate and adequate use of ICT. This means that countries which do not develop their people's capacity to use ICT right from pre-school would loose due to lack capacity to enable them to compete in the global world. As instructional tools, ICT can be used to improve teaching and learning in all levels of education. The improved teaching-learning would in turn lead to improved educational outcomes. One may ask; from what level should we start developing capacity to use ICT? What does research show? Research has shown that the effect of computers on learning is more at pre-school level than any other levels of education. This book vividly explains the benefits of exposing children to ICT early in life.

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