Comparative Mammalian Immunology: The Evolution and Diversity of the Immune Systems of Mammals di Ian R. Tizard edito da ACADEMIC PR INC
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Comparative Mammalian Immunology: The Evolution and Diversity of the Immune Systems of Mammals

The Evolution And Diversity Of The Immune Systems Of Mammals





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Comparative Mammalian Immunology: The Evolution and Diversity of the Immune Systems of Mammals provides a review on the current knowledge of mammalian immune systems from a comparative viewpoint. This reference encompasses recent work on the immune systems of marine mammals, bats and marsupials in addition to other lesser-known species, with the immune systems of humans and laboratory mice as components of chapters on primates and rodents respectively. The book also makes use of the most recent studies on the genomic sequences of the mammals to identify both common and unique features of each mammal's immune system. The book elucidates the complex, but coordinated and controlled series of interactions involving cells and molecules that has evolved to protect the host against disease. Mammals consist of a highly diverse group of animals in which the immune system has been subjected to a variety of selective pressures. This is reflected in differences in the organization and function of their immune systems, and is especially seen in those gene families characterized by complexity and polymorphism.

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