Community Health Diagnosis, Nilkantha Municipality, Dhading District, Nepal. A Cross-Sectional Study di Krishna Sharma, Devki kumara Shah, Kanchab Khatakho, Beepana Rimal, Devyanee Neupane, Subin Tamang, Dhani Singh Thakuri, Asmit Singh Thakuri, Tulsi Pokhrel, Bi edito da GRIN Verlag
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Community Health Diagnosis, Nilkantha Municipality, Dhading District, Nepal. A Cross-Sectional Study


GRIN Verlag





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Descrizione Community Health Diagnosis, Nilkantha Municipality, Dhading District, Nepal. A Cross-Sectional Study

Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Health - Public Health, , course: Public Health, language: English, abstract: Community health diagnosis usually refers to the identification of health problems in the general population in terms of mortality and morbidity rates and ratio, and to identify their correlates to identify those at risk or those in need of health care. The community health diagnosis program was successfully implemented in Ward number 09 of Nilkantha Municipality, Dhading District, Nepal, in accordance with the general objective of assessing the overall health status of people, disease intervention, healthcare service utilization pattern, and the available resources in the community. The authors concluded some significant health issues were founded such as the use of inadequate water purification methods, improper information on six steps for handwashing, solid waste management, insufficient information about the causes of infectious diseases, lack of knowledge on free healthcare services and their utilization, unhealthy dieting habits, traditional beliefs of non-communicable disease, misinformation about the consequences of malnutrition, disease epidemics, and disasters.

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