The Committee of Relative Normality di Graham Jackson edito da
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The Committee of Relative Normality






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Descrizione The Committee of Relative Normality

It only takes a moment to change the universe, but it has to be the right moment... Is former Congressman Cornstack the right person to find it? He has a lot to answer for. He helped write the rules of the Tyranny now oppressing the People... He has the assistance of his niece, Mystique, and her Indigenous boyfriend Johnny Lately, as well as technical and philosophical advice from anthropologist Professor Norman Burr and cosmological consultant Zone Grey. These four and others comprise the Committee of Relative Normality, the most important member of which is the young woman of mystery who will ultimately determine the success or failure of their ambition to create a new universe... Tyranny and Plague have the same brutal grip on the northeast District as they have the rest of the city and the State - as they have on most of the world. Everywhere street violence is arbitrary and ritualised, perpetrated by HoGs and other agents of the Tyranny. The People have one chance to break free. There is only one moment... And now is the time to find it.

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