Coming Full Circle di Carol L. Noyes edito da Xlibris
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Coming Full Circle

One Woman's Journey through Spiritual Crisis: Memoirs of a Woman Who Found Her Way Out of the Maze of Bipolar Disorder and Learned to Create a Balance







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Descrizione Coming Full Circle

Her journey of recovery from bipolar disorder and her insights are described in this book, an autobiography of Carol Noyes. When Carol went through mid-life crisis in the spring of 2006 her world was turned upside-down. Carol was able to wean herself off drugs, after over four years on psychiatric medications. She found natural alternatives that effectively helped her to recover and to lead a productive life. Carol believes that the current medical paradigm is inadequate and often unable to help individuals to heal and to bounce back. Carol nearly died from a combination of the swine flu and lithium poisoning. Her descent to the bottom of the metaphorical well provided the impetus for her to research non-drug therapies. These therapies, along with faith, hope, and courage, brought Carol back to a peaceful life. Carol recounts her life and investigates the factors that precipitated imbalance. She writes about her extraordinary experiences during expanded states of consciousness. She also delves into the world of symbols and mythologies, describing how they became poignant for her. Carol calls her experience a time of spiritual awakening; a time of developing self-esteem, learning to love herself, and finding her true purpose. She hopes that her insights will help others going through spiritual crisis. Those interested in humanistic psychology, personal growth, and spirituality may find this book fascinating.

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