Colt and Rhett 9 di C. Everson edito da Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
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Colt and Rhett 9





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Descrizione Colt and Rhett 9

Long ago, in a faraway land, deep in the woods lived a witch. She had no name, and she no longer had a human form. She looked like a swirling bubble of tar; evil filled her. There was a town named Gladnorf two miles from the witch's home. The townspeople were aware of her existence, but they had no interaction with her until one horrific day when she began killing the townspeople. That same evening, the townspeople attended a meeting to sort out what happened and to put a protection plan in place. The town's leadership asked for volunteers. In the middle of the room sat a nine-year-old boy named Colt; next to him was his dog, Rhett. Colt stood up and volunteered his and Rhett's services. The townspeople broke out in laughter; the laughter quickly quieted when the town's leaders had no choice but to accept his offer. With Colt's knapsack tightly secured to his back and his trusty bow in hand, join Colt and Rhett on their mission to stop the witch. Walk with them as they make their way across the town's square into the witch's territory, but watch out for concealed traps and other soon-to-be discovered dangers.

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