Collecting Agates and Jaspers of North America di Patti Polk edito da KRAUSE PUBN INC
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Collecting Agates and Jaspers of North America

Identification And Values





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Descrizione Collecting Agates and Jaspers of North America

Treasures of the EarthFrom the author of Collecting Rocks, Gems and Minerals and one of the leading agate collectors in the world, comes this comprehensive guide to collecting agates and jaspers, the most sought after types of collectible rocks on the market today. Designed with all beginners in mind, yet filled with valuable technical information for advanced enthusiasts, Collecting Agates and Jaspers helps rockhounds discover these treasures of North America. • The only book on agates and jaspers to offer values. • Featuring nearly 700 beautiful color pictures, descriptions and technical information, the book provides an easy-to-use, quick reference format perfect for home and field. • Organized by U.S. states and provinces in Canada and Mexico, with introductions pinpointing each area's best spots and what you can find there.

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