Collages di Michelle Gunner edito da New Generation Publishing
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Michelle Gunner is a Parisienne Poet who has lived in the Chilterns since she married an Englishman. Michelle was a founding editor of the award winning literary magazine Rhyme & Reason which raised over £60,000 for the Rennie Grove Hospice. She is a long standing member of Metroland Poets and author of the novel An Orchid in Winter. Collages is a patchwork of Parisian pastels and deeper hues. With the most delicate of French brush strokes, Michelle Gunner manages to fuse the frivolity of a parrot on Dali's moustache with pithy observations of still life. The collection is a rich voyage from the Basque Country torn apart by the Second World War to a childhood in Paris and finally to England where perhaps the English could be more like the French. Always tongue firmly set in cheek this collection has an abundance of French flavouring, written and seasoned by a true Anglophile. - Jan Moran Neil, author , Journalist and tutor.

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