Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrew di Haim Shore edito da iUniverse
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Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrew







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Descrizione Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrew

Unexplainable coincidences abound in the Bible and in biblical Hebrew. For example, the Hebrew words for ¿ear¿ and ¿balance¿ are derived from the same philological root. But it was only toward the end of the nineteenth century that scientists discovered that the human body¿s balancing mechanism resides in the ear. Coincidences in the Bible and in biblical Hebrew details scores of such incidents, including: ¿ Words in Hebrew that show intent to convey a message ¿ Coincidences in the Hebrew language that show intent to convey hidden information, and occasionally information that could not be expected to be known in biblical times ¿ Passages in the Bible that convey or assume information or knowledge unlikely to have been known in biblical times ¿ Other coincidences from Jewish tradition or Jewish history In this second edition, author Haim Shore discusses two types of coincidences-those that can be considered just that, and others that are subject to rigorous statistical analysis. Altogether, nineteen analyses have been conducted with highly significant results. Simple plots that accompany the analyses clarify their meanings and implications so that no prior statistical know-how is required. Genesis creation story is statistically analyzed.

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