Coffin-Making and Undertaking - Special Appliances, Lancashire Coffins, Southern Counties and Other Coffins, Children's  di Paul N. Hasluck edito da Macritchie Press
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Coffin-Making and Undertaking - Special Appliances, Lancashire Coffins, Southern Counties and Other Coffins, Children's





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Descrizione Coffin-Making and Undertaking - Special Appliances, Lancashire Coffins, Southern Counties and Other Coffins, Children's

This vintage instructional manual is perfect for the historian of funerary practices or specialist woodwork enthusiast. Illustrated with practical diagrams, it introduces the reader to vessel types, polishing methods, inscriptions, linings and undertaking techniques. Contents include: Woodworking - Special Appliances; Lancashire Coffins - Southern Counties and Other Coffins - Children's Coffins; Adults' Covered Coffins- Polishing Coffins - inscription Plates and Coffin Furniture - Trimming or Lining Coffins - Ornamented and Panelled Coffins - Shells and Outer Coffins - Lead Coffins - Undertaking. We are republishing this rare work in a modern, high quality, and affordable edition, complete with a newly written introduction and reproductions of the original illustrations.

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