Coffee and Cupid di Elizabeth Pulliam edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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Coffee and Cupid





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Descrizione Coffee and Cupid

On October 27, almost 70 years after they first met, 89 year-old Drewey Pulliam finally married Elizabeth Garzio. Drewey had first proposed to Elizabeth when he was a young soldier during World War II. Injured during the war and suffering with malaria, Drewey was reluctant to burden young Elizabeth with his problems so he broke off the engagement. They both ended up marrying other people, and raising families with their new spouses. In December, 2011, both were single again and Cupid's arrow once again found its mark. Elizabeth's daughter, also named Elizabeth, contacted Drewey's son Ray, and on January 7, the couple re-connected. During a visit in Jun, Drewey proposed once again, only to be rebuffed initially by Elizabeth. She had after all been married for some 65 years previously and wasn't interested in more married life. Drewey persisted and when he proposed again a month later, she relented.

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