Codemanager: Network 2-5 Users edito da American Medical Association Press

Codemanager: Network 2-5 Users





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Descrizione Codemanager: Network 2-5 Users

CodeManager "RM" 2002 is the ultimate coders' electronic solution, providing eight essential coding tools on one CD-ROM. This easy-to-learn, and simple-to-use software package puts the most up-to-date versions of the most widely used medical coding references at coder's fingertips. Simply enter a keyword or code, or point and click, and access to the data is available in seconds. CodeManager 2002 contains the following coding references: -- The entire text of CPT "RM" 2003 Professional Edition including all the color symbols, illustrations and references the AMA's CPT Assistant newsletter and CPT Changes publications-- ICD-9-CM 2003, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 color-coded and illustrated-- HCPCS 2003 National Level II codes, index and table of drugs-- Relative Value Units (RVUs) reference including the conversion factor for each CPT and HCPCS reference code-- Medicare Payment Rules-- Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) and their associated Major Diagnostic Categories (MDCs)-- Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs)-- Stedman's Electronic Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition

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