Code Name Excalibur di Jonathan Wright edito da Xlibris Us
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Code Name Excalibur


Xlibris Us





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Descrizione Code Name Excalibur

"Code Name Excalibur", the first of three books in the Excalibur Series, is an exciting triumphant account of how a young boy transforms into one of the world's great "spy masters". His "outside of the box" thinking, compassionate fearlessness, and sheer audacity allows him to prevail against all odds as he challenges fate and charges through a life, filled with fantastic characters, dangerous adversaries and exciting adventures until he is finally forced to make a choice that will define his life and the lives of countless others. But in spite of his heroics, his outrageous antics finally force his admiring Commanding General and mentoring United States Congressman to rein him in for the sake of all concerned. And so, they ship him off to Washington, D.C. for some reining in, and training in, what every spy should know. And, so it was there, behind the hallowed, Kevlar covered walls of the Pentagon, the final transformation took place as the boy was forged into the man they call "Excalibur".

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