A-Z of Cocktails di Two Magpies Publishing edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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A-Z of Cocktails





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Descrizione A-Z of Cocktails

From Alcohol to Zombies via Harvey Wallbangers and Piña Coladas, the A-Z of Cocktails covers everything you need to know about making deliciously mixed drinks at home. This little book contains a wide selection of recipes, from well-known traditional recipes as well as creative, quirky variations. It also includes guidance on blending techniques and the best kind of equipment to use, alongside other handy hints. The A-Z of Cocktails is a kitchen staple for drink-making novices and experienced mixologists alike. The A-Z series is a fresh and fun collection of books offering readers a wealth of information on a wide range of subjects. These essential practical guides are packed to bursting with useful tips and insider knowledge, in a handy easy to digest format.

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